With increasing momentum in the adoption of inclusive utility investments policies and programs, the need for dynamic flexibility and strategic deployment of our expertise is greater than ever. To meet that need, Clean Energy Works is excited to announce that Dr. Holmes Hummel and Tamara Jones will serve as Co-Executive Directors, effective immediately, under a new shared leadership model that leverages the strengths of both to support our growing organization.
The formalization of a shared executive title reflects an already existing division of management labor and a deep partnership between the two. This change allows us to continue to take advantage of the many emerging opportunities in the sector while preserving our organizational agility and ability to be a force multiplier in the field.
Since joining Clean Energy Works as Managing Director in February 2021, Tamara has led the transformation of the organization’s internal capacity and strategic refinement. As Co-Executive Director, she will maintain primary focus on issues related to management, resource development, and organizational strategy.
As the founder of Clean Energy Works, Holmes has built partnerships that have advanced the field of financial solutions for accelerating investment in the clean energy economy on inclusive terms. As Co-Executive Director, Holmes will focus on directing the implementation of Clean Energy Works’ programmatic strategy.
As Co-Executive Directors, Holmes and Tamara will be even better positioned to utilize the core strengths, capacities, and expertise each have already been deploying in service to the growth of Clean Energy Works. We look forward to continuing our work to make energy upgrades accessible to everyone.
Are you interested in joining our team? Check out our open opportunities!