The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance has just released a critical new resource for all utilities considering offering an energy efficiency program with site-specific investments and site-specific cost recovery based on tariffed terms: The Utility Guide to Tariffed On-Bill Programs.
To produce this guide, SEEA gathered experienced program operators, drew on their existing network of practitioners, and formed a working group of experts to produce accurate and credible guidance informed by field experience.
This guide is written for an audience of utility decision makers and those who implement utility programs in a clear and accessible manner, addressing practical considerations faced by those charged with developing or improving energy efficiency programs.
SEEA followed up on this guide with an interview with Mark Cayce of Ouachita Electric Cooperative and Marshall Cherry from Roanoke Electric Cooperative on how they have implemented tariffed on-bill programs, HELP PAYS and Upgrade to $ave respectively. Both utilities use the Pay As You Save® (PAYS®) system.